On Tue, Aug 02, 2011 at 08:05:28PM +0200, Guillaume Fenollar wrote:
> Hello Dale,
> About your installation, it's easier to tell you how to install it properly,
> than trying to understand what's in wrong here.
> What you have to do, after cleaning your xwiki installation, is:
> 1. Unzip the war package in tomcat webapps, you will have
> tomcat6/webapps/xwiki/<content_of_.war>
> 2. Move mysql connector in tomcat6/webapps/xwiki/WEB-INF/lib/
> 3. Configure hibernate.cfg.xml, which is in WEB-INF directory.
> Then use the tomcat stratup script in tomcat6/bin to start the wiki (could
> be tomcat.sh). You should access it with
> http://wiki.myhost.mydomain:8080/xwiki
> Maybe tomcat will not found your java path, then you can modify the tomcat
> startup script to add JAVA_HOME variable, pointing to you jdk directory (a
> lot of how to show how to do this).
> I hope you will be able to run it properly.

I think I am getting close. The various instructions I had
found just sent me on a merry chase and following your
instructions solved most of the problems.

Before I go the next step... For the other set up instructions
I had set up mysql DB. I notice there is a built in set up 
mentioned in the hibernate.cfg.xml file. Is there any good
reason to *not* use the default? Would I gain or lose anything
by using the default vs going with mysql (Other than that I
am fairly familiar with msyql).

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