On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 11:42:15PM -0400, Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:
> More at http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/Features/OfficeImporter

A few comments on human factors. Although this looks like it
might be exactly what I want, for a person unfamiliar with
the terminology it is not at all clear how to proceed.

In Administer Wiki, I see Applications, but the only thing which
seems to pop out is 'Extension Manager' which claims to not really
be safe to use yet. And it is not clear where an extension is
synonymous with a plugin, which is what the OfficeImporter is
documented as being.

A search on my Wiki comes up with a blank on 'Plugin'.

On the XWiki document URL, there is no link that tells you
how to download and install the plug in on your own XWiki,
at least not that I have seen.

I imagine this is the way a lot of new users will hit the
issue of plugins; while I may find out how by doing some
hours of RTFM, it just seems there should be something
simple and obvious on my xwiki for installing a plug in
as an administrator. Maybe there is and it is just a matter
of unfamiliar terminology.

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