----- "Marius Dumitru Florea" <mariusdumitru.flo...@xwiki.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 9:19 PM, Scott Serr <se...@theserrs.net>
> wrote:
> >
> > I ran into an interesting side effect of having a form in my Class
> Sheet.
> >
> > <input type="hidden" name="parent" value="${doc.fullName}" />
> >
> > The above line is in a form which posts to the current page, but
> then redirects to a sub-page.  The process is exactly like the FAQ
> Example.  The trouble is, when doing Inline Editing on a page with the
> class object.  No matter what you put in as the parent in the UI for
> the parent property, it gets reset to itself on save.  The wiki and
> WYSYWIG editors don't do this of course.
> >
> > I think this is a problem because...
> >
> > 1. Should this form (and form element) really be evaluated?  No one
> hit the submit button.
> How did you save without hitting the submit button? (You said "it
> gets
> reset to itself on save").
> > 2. It doesn't seem very safe for variable spaces to mix so easily.
>  Unless this is a feature.
> "Inline form" edit mode is used to edit object properties. If you use
> $doc.display method to generate your form fields then you'll see that
> the field IDs/names look like this:
> ClassName_objectIndex_propertyName
> , so they don't interfere with the rest of the (hidden) fields like
> "parent" which is used to set the document title. If you generate the
> form fields yourself then indeed you have to take care to use unique
> IDs/names to prevent conflicts.
> Hope this helps,
> Marius

Thanks for the reply.

My page has a form like {{{html}}}<form></form>{{{/html}}} if you look at the 
wiki code.  I'll call this the "embedded form."  So when the page is viewed, 
then the embedded form is available.  An aside, the embedded form creates 
sub-pages.  The page also has an object and I'm fine with editing those 
properties in the inline form editor.  And, of course the embedded form on my 
page is not displayed because the inline editor only shows and edits the 
object.  My trouble comes here, when I save that object in the inline editor, I 
get the embedded form's hidden post variables evaluated.  I did not click my 
embedded form's submit, I clicked the inline editor's save.  It behaves as if I 
clicked the embedded form's submit just before the inline editor's save.

I know it sounds crazy.  I'll try to isolate it to a minimal test case.
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