I see the following JIRA regarding this issue:


But I'm not seeing any details regarding the resolution.   Was a
configuration option added to disable java rights checking for the current
user?  I scanned through xwiki.cfg, but I'm not seeing anything related...

Many thanks...

On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 12:35 PM, Stanley Laufer <stanley.lau...@sjsu.edu>wrote:

> We're setting up a private XWiki wiki farm for our department.
> Everything is working perfectly except for the fact that non-admin users
> cannot create new wikis.  We'd prefer to allow registered users to create
> wikis on their own, without involving the admin.
> Currently, when a non-admin user attempts to create a new wiki, they
> receive the following error:
> Wiki "testwiki9" creation failed: Error number 9001 in 5: Exception in
> plugin xpn.xwiki.plugin.wikimanager.Wiki Manager 
> Plugin?<https://sliswiki.sjsu.edu/bin/edit/com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.wikimanager/WikiManagerPlugin?parent=WikiManager.CreateNewWiki>:
> You dont have right to create wiki
> Is there any way to customize XWiki to grant non-admin users the right to
> create new wikis.
> In the case of a private wiki farm, where our user base is known, it would
> seem safe to do this.
> Thanks in advance for any feedback.
> --
> Stanley E. Laufer
> Network Administrator
> School of Library and Information Science
> San Jose State University

Stanley E. Laufer
Network Administrator
School of Library and Information Science
San Jose State University
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