
I have a similar need. Yesterday I wanted to create a link to a livetable that 
would have some tags selected in the tag cloud but I don't think it's possible 
yet. However that shouldn't be too hard to implement I guess.

Can someone confirm it's not possible ATM?


On Nov 1, 2011, at 10:42 PM, Legeinfo wrote:

> I want to preselect some tags in the livetable. How to implement the filter?
> Something like:
> ..../Tags#|t=tag&p=1&l=5&s=doc.date&d=desc&tags=tag1,tag2,tag3
> filter={tag1,tag2,tag3}
> TagCloud activate tag1,tag2 and tag3.
> Results including only tag1,tag2 and tag3
> Volker
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