i went through http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Features/I18N.
Basically i  want to set the set the language of my wiki as per the value
of paramter
language(as explained about appending the language=zz in in the link ) but
it only convert the label language not the acyual content. For example i
created the page
Mypage and put the content as This is my first page(default language is
english). But now if i change the default language to french only lablels
like comments
(to commentaires), history(to historique), Add(to Creer) get changed not
the page name and content inside it. Still i see the contant as This is my
first page.Though i was expecting it in french. How to configure so that we
can change the page name and its content too when changing the default
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