
as I am new to XWiki I am trying to gain some inspiration and ideas how to
successfully use it for our business purposes.

I have created an app (application within a minute) to organize and manage
our projects. We have designed a structure of fix sub-wikipages, which we
want to attach to every application item.

Example: let's say we have a project #123 and some metainformation like
project leader etc. which is all organized in the application fields. And
now we want some subpages like 1. project-todos, project-documentation,
project-log etc.

What possible ways do exist to automatize the creation of the subpages, so
that each time I create a project item in that app, all the predefined
subpages will be created by the system.

I don't expect you to write me the complete solution. But I would really
appreciate if you could just drop some buzzwords or some links, that point
me the proper direction.

Thanks in advance,
best regards,

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