On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 10:50 AM, mohit gupta <motgu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi ,
> How can insert the image between the macro. For example i want to display
> the image on the page just after login.e
> https://loaclhost/myWiki/bin/view/Main/WebHome.
> The location i want to display is along the side of welcome message. But as
> i click WYSIWYG. i see the velocity macro, and i click
> image-->attachedImage but it does not insert the image anywhere. Is it
> possible to insert the image at any intended position because content is
> generated at run time. Looking for from both editors i.e WYSIWYG and wiki
> editor

The home page is a dashboard by default so you should edit the
dashboard (Dashboard.WebHome).

Hope this helps,

> I know the way to insert the image on newly created page, But what about
> to insert the existing page using macros.
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