By the way, if I logout, it will also direct to localhost.

The whole problem happened after I set up rights for unregistered users to
prevent them from viewing pages, regardless of the pages or space rights
and from editing pages regarding of the page or space rights, which are
check boxes in Wiki administration, Rights page (in XWikiPreference).


On Sun, May 6, 2012 at 1:13 PM, Geo Du <> wrote:

> Hi, all,
> I got a problem with our xwiki site setup, I have apache webserver and
> tomcat behind with xwiki 3.5 deployed, when I do login, logout or clicking
> buttons on the server machine browser with
> http://localhost:8082/xwiki/bin/login/XWiki/XWikiLogin, I can login,
> everything works fine, but if I use external public internet to access our
> xwiki site like:, I
> got the login page shown up, but if I login, it redirects me to
> localhost/xwiki/bin/view/Main/WebHome, which points to my localhost, not my
> server machine, then from the browser address bar, if I
> change the localhost url to this url:
>, I can see the page
> correctly.
> Hers is my httpd.conf file setup:
> ProxyPass        /xwiki http://localhost:8082/xwiki
> ProxyPassReverse /xwiki http://localhost:8082/xwiki
> Any clue what is going on?
> Thanks
> Dave
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