I am trying to execute below groovy script thru one of the UI Page

String xwikiUser = xwiki.getUser("Scott")//line1 executing
String wikiname = xwiki.getXWiki().clearName("Scott", true, true,
// other code which is also not executing

but line 2 never executes becoz i dont get control in clearName method.
After debugging it i found while
 xwiki.getXWiki() it checks whether user has  programming right  rights
which returns null. But i have explicitly given the admin user program
rights at
 wiki administartion level.

 For more debugging information control goes to  method i.e  public boolean
hasProgrammingRights(XWikiContext context) of xwikiAuthServiceImpl.java
 and line 3 returns false

 // Once dropPermissions has been called, the document in the
        // context cannot have programming permission.
        if (context.hasDroppedPermissions()) {
            return false;//;line 3

Not getting how to give proper programming rights to admin user here?
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