
I can't find any information on the relevance scoring/weighting in XWiki's
Lucene Search. Haven't I looked close enough? From what I understand about
Lucene and XWiki, each page and attachment is indexed with several fields,
such as page title, page name, contents, tags, parent, not creator..
The relevance scoring doesn't show how it's computed. I figure the
percentage of hits per field is multiplied with a weight per field (eg: a
hit in the title is scored higher than a hit in the content, and if the
title 100% matches it scores higher than a longer title where the query
only occurs in one of 10 words).

When title or pagename match the search query, the relevance always seems

Are my assumptions correct?
What fields are taken into account and by what weight?
Between results that have 100% relevance, how is sorting done?

Thanks for explaining!

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