Hi All,

I created  an application using xwiki classes and objects similar like FAQ
application explained in wiki tutorial at
http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/DevGuide/FAQTutorial. I develop it
on my local box. Now i want to take it this complete application to another
instance of wiki on different machine. What should be my next steps. what
are the pages i need to take to another instance(as wiki must be creating
the pages internally also which i may not be aware of ). As during
this application creation process, did various steps which created
different docs,classes and objects in different spaces(i am aware of only
two spaces that  contains docs related to this process i.e DataTypes space
which contains the newly created class etc  and the space under which i
created my application  which  contains the templates etc ) If somebody can
explain simply how the FAQ application developed on one wiki instance can
be taken to  another wiki instance, it would be great

Can it  be done just after importing the newly created space under which
application exists and then amporting it to new wiki instance?  if yes how
should i export the specific space. I tried
It does not work. I enter any space name even existing space i.e  blog,
search button does not seem to be working and does not search any page
inside any space .As i am working on xwiki 3.5 i just downloaded this
application  and visited the MultiPageExport.Install page to finish the
install  as suugested in doc. Then i navigated to
localhost/wiki/bin/view/Admin/Export  but search button does not work.Let
me know if i need to do some other stuff.

Xwiki version is 3.5

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