On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 2:20 PM, Vincent Massol <vinc...@massol.net> wrote:
> Hi Dmitry,
> Thanks for your inputs! See below.
> On Sep 18, 2012, at 2:10 PM, Dmitry Bakbardin <haru_mamb...@mail.ru> wrote:
>> Hi, Vincent,
>> My 10 coins to the suggested topic :-)
>> 1. New Access Rights management system. There are a lot of weak points 
>> already known. Probably, it's time to review this.
> Have you been able to play with it already? Would be great to provide 
> feedback and details. I'm sure Denis would love some feedback.

Andreas too ;)

Do you actually know there is a new right management system ? It's not
clear in your question if you talk about introducing a new right
management system or using more the new one.

>> 2. Second level XWiki virtualization http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XEM-207
>> 3. Add WYSIWYG's editor logic while adding the link Space -> Page -> Anchor 
>> on the page  http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-4084
>> and the same in XEM Environment: Workspace/Virtual Wiki -> Space -> Page -> 
>> Anchor
>> http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-7483
>> 4. WebDAV access to deleted attachments 
>> http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-6989
> So you're using XWiki WebDAV feature ATM?
>> 5. Rebuild Translation System and add possibility to translate not only page 
>> content, but objects' content (and field names) also.
> Just on this point, we're planning to work on this in XE 4.3 in the coming 
> month.

Except for the object content translation part which has more to do
with the model and is not going to change very soon. Note that fields
names are already translatable, for this you can use the id <class
full name>_<field name> like in "Blog.BlogClass_title" for the title
field name of a blog object.

>> 6. Evolve filestorage system from "experimental" to 
>> all-kind-production-ready and make it more or less comprehensive:
>> -  for example, add possibility of XWiki clustering and automatic 
>> attachments synchronization while FS is on.
>> - to configure path to store attachments for each XWiki/virtual 
>> wiki/workspace/space separetly.
>> - fix current bugs (like http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-6917) and 
>> probably add some other fatures :-)
> Yeah I also think we need Caleb to work a bit on this so that we could call 
> it production-ready ;)
>> 7. Smooth upgrade system (to make it look more like linux upgrades): upgrade 
>> AND KEEP all XWiki customization with minimal manual config files comparison 
>> and reediting of customized pages inside XWiki.
> Yep, we're working on this one (XAR upgrades). You should see some first 
> version with XE 4.2 when it's released next week. Next step is to tackle WAR 
> and config file upgrades indeed.

Note that for the server side (WAR and configuration) you have the
Debian package (see
that can help a lot since apt/dpkg is taking care of configuration
file comparison/merging. But that's only for Debian based system of

For the XAR part as Vincent said we are working on it and you get a
first version of an install/upgrade Wyzard for it in the coming 4.2.

>> 8. Add Space -> Subspace -> Page logic to XWiki hierarchy to build "trees" 
>> instead of "horizontal" set of spaces.
>> 9. Extend TOC macro to logic:   ...wiki1:Space1.Page1, wiki2:Space2.Page2... 
>> to include TOCs of separate pages inside current TOC.
>> 10. XWiki Native support for mobile users (Skins, ColorThemes for all kind 
>> of mobile users bundled with XE/XEM)
> Ludovic has a pull request for improving mobile skin support for XE 4.3 but 
> probably not to the extent you're interesting in at the moment.
> Thanks, keep the ideas coming. No promise that they'll be implemented but the 
> more people who want the same thing the more weight it has. And developers 
> are reading this!
> -Vincent
>> Hope it helps :-)
>> Kind Regards,
>> Dmitry
>> Tue, 18 Sep 2012 08:58:04 +0200 от Vincent Massol <vinc...@massol.net>:
>>> Dear XWiki lovers ;),
>> We're getting close to the end of the 4.x cycle which is about to be 
>> finished with XWiki 4.5 around end of January and we need to start 
>> brainstorming about the 5.x cycle (1 year duration from Feb 2013 to Jan 
>> 2014).
>> * 3.x was about "Building Apps and Distributing them" (priority 1) and 
>> "Polishing"
>> * 4.x was about "Ease of use" (priority 1) and "Quality"
>> So what would you like to see in the coming year?
>> You can suggest both general themes and specific items.
>> Thanks
>> -Vincent
>> Kind regards,
>> Dmitry
>> WebDAV access to deleted attachments
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