Hi all,

I'm trying to import xhtml pages from an existing site into wiki
pages.  Parts of these pages have dynamically generated content which
I want to keep dynamic in the wiki.  I've created macros that can
replicate the dynamic bits, but I'm having trouble getting the pages
themselves across.

At first I tried doing a naive transformation to xwiki syntax
beforehand and importing that, but the resulting pages aren't
modifiable with the WYSIWYG editor because of my heavy reliance on the
{{html}} macro.  So, now I'm thinking I should just keep them in plain
xhtml, which the editor seems to handle fairly well.

How can I use macros and create wiki links with this approach though?
The XWiki website mentions in a number of places that round-trip
conversions between xwiki/2.1 and xhtml/1.0 syntaxes is a feature, so
this must be possible, right?  I've seen a couple mentions of
"annotations" using comments in the xhtml to achieve this, but haven't
been able to find any concrete examples or documentation of the

Assuming this is possible, will I be able to use the macros I created
with XWiki.WikiMacroClass, or are these only available in the xwiki/2+
syntax?  If not, how can I make macros that _are_ usable in the xhtml

Am I approaching this problem in entirely the wrong way?  Any guidance
would be appreciated!

--Maxwell Terpstra
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