On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 6:55 PM, Jaume Giribert Peraire
<jaume.girib...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried to install the Diagram Application in a fresh install of xwiki
> Enterprise 5.0.1 (
> http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Diagram+Application).
> I'm able to see the diagram viewer/editor from the Diagram Space but unable
> to display anything in a wiki page and

> the "save" options from menu are
> shown greyed (I use the save option from wiki page).

The "save" menu entries are disabled on purpose. You have to use the
action buttons (Save & Continue, Save & View) from below the diagram

> I have tried to display the diagram using the Display Macro without any
> luck (no render). In place, I can only see diagram code in wiki page i.e:
> <root><mxCell id="0"/><mxCell id="1" parent="0"/><mxCell id="2" value=""
> style="ellipse" vertex="1" parent="1"><mxGeometry x="410" y="240"
> width="80" height="80" as="geometry"/></mxCell><mxCell id="3" value=""
> style="ellipse" vertex="1" parent="1"><mxGeometry x="330" y="260"
> width="80" height="80" as="geometry"/></mxCell><mxCell id="4"
> value="Double&#xa;Rounded Rectangle" style="shape=ext;double=1;rounded=1"
> vertex="1" parent="1"><mxGeometry x="240" y="290" width="120" height="60"
> as="geometry"/></mxCell></root>

> Have anyone tried this application with 5.0.X versions?

Indeed, the diagram is not displayed any more, and I think the reason
is require.js which was added in XWiki 5.0. I'll try to fix it ASAP.


> Thanks in advance!
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