On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 3:32 PM, Thomas Mortagne
<thomas.morta...@xwiki.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 1:14 PM, Clemens Klein-Robbenhaar
> <c.robbenh...@espresto.com> wrote:
>> Hi Sorin and everybody,
>>  I see a few folks beside me have been busy last week, so the missing 
>> translations have been sometwhat reduced:
>>> * XWiki CORE Resources aprox. 512 missing, the most important being the
>>> Extensions Manager -
>>> http://l10n.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Platform/XWikiCoreResources?action=viewempty&language=de
>> Down to 63 keys (and even less "real" missing)
>> Here we have mainly the LDAP Admin open, and some already deprecated keys 
>> for the DW - which makes the missing translations look much more than they 
>> actually are ...
>> I completely understand why it is useful to have deprecated translations 
>> around, but in case that:
>>  a) the translation key is deprecated
>>  b) the translation is empty
>> I do not see the point of having the deprecated key around.
>> I wonder if it is possible to exclude these empty / deprecated translations 
>> without making the synchronization of the contents of l10n with the property 
>> files in the git too
>> complicated.
>> Or maybe it is possible to exclude the deprecated keys from the "List of 
>> empty translations" on l10n?
>> This would prevent people from wasting time by looking at already deprecated 
>> translation keys.
> Actually they are not suposed to be listed and they used to not be
> listed but the way to indicate deprecated keys changed a bit, I will
> look at it.

Should be better now.

>> A random note to the other folks who update translations: I also translated 
>> some parts of the "App within Minutes" and tried to avoid using the term 
>> "class" as much as possible, which has lead to several less-than-literal 
>> translations;
>> I have also updated the "German translation rules" at 
>> http://l10n.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/L10N/TranslationRules_de#HAppwithinMinutes
>> As stated there, this is of course just a proposal and open to discussion; 
>> if you find the translations confusing, please add feedback there, and in 
>> case better terms are proposed we can update the translations.
>>> * Main S Translations approx 4 missing -
>>> http://l10n.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Platform/MainSolrTranslations?action=viewempty&language=de
>> Here I see quite some more keys sprung out if the ground - meanwhile it is 
>> more like 22 Translations missing;
>> no reason to get idle :)  I guess it is mostly the facets which now made it 
>> to l10n.xwiki.org
>> Btw, when will be the next release which contains the updated translations 
>> from l10n?
>> Especially for the "App with minutes" and the DW I would like to see how the 
>> new translations look "in action".
>> Oh, and has anyone actually figured out how to set the language for the DW 
>> when installing a new XWiki from scratch?
>> Obviously the settings in the XWiki itself cannot do that, as they are yet 
>> to be installed.
>> I tried to set the locale for the servlet container via LANG="de_DE.utf8", 
>> but it seems this had no effect.
>> Anyone knows what I am doing wrong?
>> Cheers
>> Clemens
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> Thomas Mortagne

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