On 09/17/2013 05:18 PM, Vincent Massol wrote:
> On Sep 17, 2013, at 4:52 PM, Clemens Klein-Robbenhaar 
> <c.robbenh...@espresto.com> wrote:
>> On 09/17/2013 04:40 PM, Vincent Massol wrote:
>>> On Aug 29, 2013, at 3:15 PM, Clemens Klein-Robbenhaar 
>>> <c.robbenh...@espresto.com> wrote:
>> [...snip ...]
>>>> What is actually needed to finish this, aside of a few formatting things?
>>> Fixing the code based on the comments in the jira issue (for example it has 
>>> to pass the build, WCAG compliance is a must have).
>>> That's all.
>>> Interested to finish it? :)
>> Yes, definitely.
>> I will be on vacation one week in October, then at latest I should find the 
>> time to look into this.
> Cool!

Well, I looked into it and already have a few questions. sorry ...

WCAG Validation:

Where is the WCAG test which makes the build fail?
When I just run a  mvn install inside the xwiki-platform-help-ui itself, this 
Do I have to make a full build to get the test running that would break now?

Aside of that I have problems getting WCAG validity anyway.
I tried the recommended online validation tool at 
but that complains that the page uses <tt>, and has several <h1> header ... 
well, they are part of the documentation showing how to type monospace and 
headers, so it is
hard to avoid them except by leaving the out, which is kinda silly for a 
documentation; also they are already in the existing syntax help page, so it 
seems there is some
way to avoid that which I do not know.

Additionally there are a lot of duplicate id="H2.0" or the like in the full 
page, but this is how the proper syntax version is extracted from the document 
containing the
relevant section.
Similar to Johannes I am a bit lost how to avoid that, except for doing odd 
things like scrapping the header after rendering, or split the documentation 
into one document
per section *and* syntax (would end up with somewhat 40 instead of 20 headers), 
or add separate "marker heading" to each and every section (the latter the 
somewhat best
option imo)

I see also some problem has been point out that the tables having width=100%
However this is also the case with the existing syntax help; but for me they do 
more harm (making the tables with the examples shift below the left navigation),
so I prefer scrap them all unless someone can tell me why they are there in the 
first place.


There are a few new translations keys. Can I just add them to the 

Additionally there are some existing translations of the complete document:
How is it possible to split the content into documents and still make then show 
up on l10n?
(I hope I can do the split in the *.xml files, even though I do not understand 
most languages, as I can go by the examples, but I have no idea how to sync the 
results with

Finally, should I discuss these issues here in the list, or in jira or on the 
devs list instead?

Any pointers would be very appreciated.

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