Hi Guillaume,

Thanks a lot !

Le 29/11/2013 09:49, Guillaume Fenollar a écrit :
Hello Martin,

Thanks for reporting this, I corrected the page, with a grant privileges
applied on every databases. Since 5.0, every xwiki instance is able to
create subwikis (WikiManager always installed), so I guess it's best to
avoid the privileges issues, by giving the good rights from the beginning.

Have a good day

Guillaume Fenollar

2013/11/26 Martin Hamant <m...@ow2.org>

Le 26/11/2013 12:37, Martin Hamant a écrit :

I am running Xwiki 5.2 and trying to create a new wiki from the Wiki

If fails with the following message in container logs:  Access denied for
user 'xwiki'@'localhost' to database 'ezr' (where 'ezr' is the wiki

I verified my installation reading the steps specified here :

My guess is the 'xwiki' user can't create a new database : what if the
official documentation about xwiki MySQL user for multi-tenant usage ?
Do I have to modify something in MySQL privileges ?

Here is the resulting privileges of "grant all privileges on xwiki.* to
xwiki@localhost identified by 'xxx'"

| Grants for xwiki@localhost |
| GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'xwiki'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '***'
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `xwiki`.* TO 'xwiki'@'localhost' |

 From my understanding of the above , xwiki user only have all privileges
access to xwiki db... So the user can't create any additional xwiki
database !?

Thanks  !

Answering to my own question : Found the answer here :

  Convert an existing XWiki Enterprise instance

  * In order for XEM to be able to create new wikis on demand, you will
    need to give all rights to your database user. For example for
    MySQL, execute:
    mysql -u root -e "grant all privileges on *.* to xwiki@
    identified by 'xwiki'"

This step is required. (I am using DEB distribution of XWiki.)
Maybe this could be reminded somewhere on http://platform.xwiki.org/
xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/InstallationMySQL ?? What do you think ?

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