I have reproduced your issue with ToDo Macro 1.0 [1] on the last version of

Unfortunately, this macro is not supported by the XWiki team.



[1]: http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Todo+Macro

2013/12/11 Kai Sen <kai...@gmail.com>

> Hello,
> I really like the idea behind the ToDo Macro, as it is the easiest way to
> get todos strait into wiki pages and review them with the ToDo List.
> Unfortunately it seems there is a bug which make it nearly useless. As soon
> as you added more ToDos to one page and you added this pages with the
> WYSIWYG editor it could be that all content after and including the todos
> itself are erased while "saving"
> If you switch before between the Wiki editor and WYSIWYG editor you see in
> the wiki editor that it is already missing. In the WYSIWYG editor all
> content is shown normally but not saved.
> That means. I create a page - add some todos - someone else edid this page
> and put some additional content over the WYSIWYG editor to the page and
> save it - all content behind the todo can get lost.
> I tried it with different pages and also with different content. I just can
> say that it is not related to the content before or after the todo.
> Does someone see that before?
> Regards Kai
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