Hi Sunil,

> Hi,
> Is it possible to change the value of a page's 'version summary' after it 
> saved?  How can I do this using the UI?

You cannot do that via the UI; any change in wiki content should be versioned 
so everybody can see who changed what.
In theory it would be possible to make the version summary itself versioned, 
but so far I know of no wiki system doing this.

What you can do via the UI, however, is delete the revision with the version 
summary in case you have Admin rights.

E.g. if the problem is concerning the most recent revision, just edit the page 
and type in the correct version summary, and save the page without changing 
anything else.
This will create a new version with the correct version summary.
Then you can look up the versions in the history tab and press the "Delete" 
link for the version with the misspelled version summary.

Alternatively in case you do not want to delete the version but need to get rid 
of some version summary where someone pasted passwords by accident, you can do 
this directly in the database; the text is in the column XWR_COMMENT of the 
table xwikircs

Hope this helps
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