Hi everyone,

Please note that we’ve found a blocker in this release. This is what I’ve just 
added to the release notes:

A few hours after the release was done we've realized that this version 
contains a bugs that makes it not usable as is: it's missing 2 important pages: 
##XWiki.XWikiAdminGroup## and ##XWiki.XWikiAllGroup##. If you plan to use this 
version make sure you import those 2 pages from this [[XWiki 5.3 
 for example. Otherwise please wait for a new 5.4 release.

Everything should be fine if you add these 2 pages and we would still need 
users to test this release as much as possible so that we can fix any other 
issue in 5.4RC1.

Thanks and sorry for the issue

On 9 Jan 2014 at 09:13:40, Thomas Mortagne (thomas.morta...@xwiki.com) wrote:

The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of  
XWiki 5.4 Milestone 1.  
This is an improvement and stability release for things started during  
the 5.x cycle.  

You can download it here:  
http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download (please allow a few  
hours for the binaries to propagate to the download servers if the  
download doesn't work yet)  

Make sure to review the release notes:  

-The XWiki dev team  
users mailing list

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