Hi there,

I've just moved my wiki to a different Server and upgraded there to XWiki
Enterprise 5.4.4. I've also switched to solr search engine. It's really
awesome work you did there, and I definitively want to use Solr search
because to the much better results page. :)

But regrettably, I've got an issue with the search suggestion feature to
report: Before upgrading, I used Lucene, which gives me this really nice
feature of searching and making suggestions while I'm typing into the
search-box on the upper right. This doesn't happen anymore with solr
search, as suggestions are only made, if there is a 100% match with the
query somewhere in the doc or attachment.

It may be because of how the suggestion feature creates queries: With
lucene, the input is always extended by an asterik, like __INPUT__*. So,
I've tried to add an asterik to my incomplete search query for Solr-search,
and it gives me exactly, what I want, except that I have to insert the '*'
always by hand at the end. Then, I've tried to add the asterik somewhere in
the Solr search suggestion query in XWikiPreferences, but didn't manage to
get it right.

Do you have an idea, or maybe know, how I can get back the old behaviour
with lucene search?

You can also visit the wikis and try for yourself:
Old page with Lucene-Search: http://www2.wikiderm.de
New page with Solr-Search: http://www.wikiderm.de

For example, try to search for "atop" and see whats happening..

Best regards,
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