Glad it fixed it!


PS: Next time please reply to the list so that others know your problem is 
fixed :)

On 6 May 2014 at 15:08:06, ( wrote:

Thanks Vincent that fixed it (or should I say worked around it). MT

On 6/05/2014 10:24 PM, wrote:

Actually this warning message is pretty poor. I’ve updated the sources with 
this new message:

"Could not find a QueryExecutor with hint [{}] which is the hint for the 
storage engine, defined in your XWiki configuration under the 
[] property. The default QueryExecutor will be used 
instead. Reason: [Can't find descriptor for the component [role = [interface 
org.xwiki.query.QueryExecutor] hint = [hibernate]]]"

I hope it makes it slighty easier to understand… ;)

So it seems we have a bug in our code. To work around it and till we fix it, 
I’d suggest you comment out the “” property in your 
xwiki.cfg file and it should work fine.


On 6 May 2014 at 14:05:52, 
( wrote:

> Why am I getting this warning? Things seem to be working ok otherwise....
> 2014-05-06 11:58:05,333 [http://localhost:8080/bin/view/Main/] WARN
> onfiguredQueryExecutorProvider - Could not find a QueryExecutor with
> hint hibernate which is the hint for the storage engine. the default
> QueryExecutor will not be used instead.
> org.xwiki.component.manager.ComponentLookupException: Can't find
> descriptor for the component [role = [interface
> org.xwiki.query.QueryExecutor] hint = [hibernate]]

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