On Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 2:55 PM, O.J. Sousa Rodrigues
<osoriojaq...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there!
> Thank you for you answer.
> It's really seams to be broken / mal-configured. I manually removed the
> users from the allGroup for testing.
> Both properties xwiki.users.initialGroups and
> xwiki.authentication.group.allgroupimplicit are
> commented / deactivated, but new users do land in the allGroup without
> problem.
> What worries me the most is that if the user has no group at all and no
> permission at all it still can see and edit the wiki.
> Don't see how that is going to help activating those properties since users
> in no group should have no permission granted at all right? And users that
> are not in the allGroup but inside an explicit group should have that
> group's permission, but that is not the case...

There is no reason to enable these properties but you said that the
XWikiAllGroup group was empty which is was I reacted to.

> Best regards,
> OJ
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