Hello Community,

I am trying to add a column that reference the doc parent but I am facing
some difficult.
I have tried to input the doc.space but It not worked:

#set ($discard = $services.localization.use('document',
#set ($columnsProperties = {
  'doc.space': {"type":"list"},
  'category': {"type":"text","size":10,"link":"view"},
  'doc.name': {"type":"text","size":10,"link":"view"},
  '_attachments': {"sortable":false,"filterable":false,"html":true},
#set ($options = {
  'className': 'FileManager.FileManagerClass',
  'resultPage': 'FileManager.FileManagerLiveTableResults',
  'translationPrefix': 'filemanager.livetable.',
  'tagCloud': true,
  'rowCount': 15,
  'maxPages': 10,
  'selectedColumn': 'category',
  'defaultOrder': 'asc'
## Add the filter by selected tags
    #set ($discard = $options.put('selectedTags',["${request.tag}"]))
#set ($columns = ['doc.space','category','doc.name', '_attachments',
#livetable('filemanager' $columns $columnsProperties $options)

Any tip?


Grupo Energisa
Danilo Oliveira
Analista Suporte Aplicacao TI - DPTO CORP. DE INFRAESTR. TI
e-mail: danilo.olive...@energisa.com.br | tel: (32) 3429-6342 | cel: (32) 

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