Hi everyone.
I've got some problems upgrading xwiki 5.4.1 to xwiki 6.1(stable). The
upgrade went well, but it missed almost all the attachments(I use
filesystem storage). They are there, inside Storage folder, but Xwiki can't
find it.

I searched over the internet and found 3 different documentations for the
upgrade process.

1 -
2 - http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/Upgrade
3 -

The last one is a FAQ and appears to be outdated. So I used only the first
They differ little, but I think they should be unificated, because some
aspects are not present in one, but they are present in another or vice

Correct me if I'm doing something wrong:
1 - Stop java container(Tomcat)
2 - Backup up data schema,
3 - Backup up files and folders: Extension, Lucene, Solr, Storage(Im using
filesystem storage), jobs and xwiki-temp. hibernate, xwiki.cfg and
.properties, logback.xml. Also backup up any changes you've made(skins, for
4 - Remove the old xwiki files(5.4.1) and replace it with the new ones(6.1).
5 - Configure xwiki.cfg, xwiki.properties and hibernate to match the old
configuration(do not replace).
6 - Insert the database connector(in this case, Mysql) inside lib folder
7 - Put all the data files from item 3 inside the
environment.permanentDirectory(in my case, its the data folder)
8 - Restart the container
9 - Point the browser to xwiki instalation
10 - Follow the steps of Distribution Wizard
11 - Check if everything went right(attachments, dataschema, templates

Thank you very much.
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