I think that's exactly what I'm wanting to do..I'll give that a shot.

Thanks Jeremie

> On Jul 17, 2014, at 12:34 AM, "Jeremie BOUSQUET" <jeremie.bousq...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Hello,
> You could check this page about database lists [1].
> The steps could be:
> - create a specific class, for objects that will hold possible values for
> your list (manually, or with app within minutes). You don't much care about
> the livetable, you mainly need a form for users to create new values. You
> can either define only one field in this Class (the values to show in the
> list), or 2 fields (one for the key, one for the value). Remember the name
> of the class and fields created.
> - in the Database List field you want to populate, apply [1], and enter the
> name of the class you created above, and the field(s) defining the values
> (and the keys if needed).
> The Hibernate Query field is here if you want to do more advanced
> selections of the keys/values.
> You can even define a "tree" structure for the values to show in the list,
> but that's another topic ! ;-)
> Note that if you don't need strict validation of user inputs, and to
> propose a predefined list of values, you could also just use the "suggest"
> feature in your field (and make it a simple string field instead of db
> list).
> Hope this helps,
> Jeremie
> [1] -
> http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Drafts/DatabaseListProperties#HUsingtheClassName2BId2FValuefields
> 2014-07-17 9:14 GMT+02:00 Jason Clemons <jason.clem...@live.com>:
>> Now that I read my post, it dawns on me that I don't really need to use
>> "LiveTables" if that's too much of a hassle, populating the Database List
>> based on a table in the backend DB would work just as well, has anyone done
>> this, or have any pointers?
>> Ultimately, I just need to devise a strategy to allow my user community to
>> add/delete and edit the values that show up in my list without cracking
>> into code or the class editor.  And I don't want them to call me either :)
>>>> On Jul 15, 2014, at 8:48 AM, "Jason Clemons" <jason.clem...@live.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hello again all,
>>>> I’m trying not to ask every little question here, but I’m pretty well
>> stuck.  I’ve created an App Within Minutes app and added a “Database List”
>> but I’m not sure how to populate the list.  I’ve read tons (mostly of which
>> I don’t understand) about HQL and LiveTable, but since I’m so new I can’t
>> really figure out how to get this going.  I’d like to have a “LiveTable”
>> (form) somewhere that my users enter and maintain data which then populates
>> the “Database List” on my app.  I’ve Googled a bunch but I can’t seem to
>> find a good example of this.  In my mind I want to do the following:
>>>> 1.        Create a LiveTable somewhere
>>>> 2.       Link the Database List to the LiveTable I created.
>>>> Any help is greatly appreciated,
>>>> Jason M Clemons
>>>> Network Operations - Service Delivery Lead Analyst
>>>> 602-766-1844
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