
We're using the most recent version of xWiki (6.1) with the most recent FAQ 
Application (6.1) installed.

When I go to create/contribute FAQ items they do NOT appear listed under the 
FAQ.WebHome space. FAQ items when edited directly DO appear to have the FAQ 
attribute set for source Space. They also DO have FAQ.WebHome set as the parent.

When I go to manually search for said items from the FAQ.WebHome widget they 
also do NOT appear under a FAQ search results.

We are using the Solr search engine with XWQL and no custom queries defined.

We were using Lucene and when we searched for said items from the FAQ.WebHome 
widget they would appear as a result of a FAQ search, but still were NOT listed 
under the FAQ.WebHome space.

What are we missing?

Any insight would be appreciated.


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