I have a custom groovy script at DemoSpace.StudiesJSON that generates JSON of 
the form:
"totalrows": 5,
"matchingtags": {},
"tags" : [],
"offset": 1,
"reqNo": 0,
"returnedrows": 1,
"rows": [{"doc_viewable":true,"study_id":3,"study_name":"My 
Study","description":"A test study"}]

This is then called from a LiveTable macro as
#set($columns = ["study_name", "description", "study_id"])
#set($options = {
#set($columnsProperties = {
  "study_name" : { "type" : "text", "displayName": "Study Name", "filterable": 
false },
  "description" : { "type" : "text", "displayName": "Description", 
"filterable": false },
  "study_id" : { "type" : "text", "displayName": "Study ID", "filterable": 
false }
#livetable("studyTable" $columns $columnsProperties $options)

What I'd really like is to put links into each row, for instance replacing each 
entry in the first ("Study Name") column with a link of the form 
[[${study_name}>>StudyDetails?study_id=${study_id}]]. Is there a way to do 
this? I've tried generating a link in the JSON but the query strings seem to 
get corrupted and the link is lost in any case within the actual LiveTable.


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