Hello, I read/apply this doc with succcess: http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/DevGuide/APIGuide#HAccessobjectsinapage
With this code I can display all objects ATTACHED to THIS page. *********** #set($class = $obj.xWikiClass) ## access the class object representing SomeSpace.SomeClass #foreach($prop in $class.properties) ## go through all properties ... *********** but if I attached some class to another page, how can I list properties? Another question: I have a page with 3 same Class, how to list them (like ?editor=class did)? An example: MySpaceMyClass contain this Class properties: - My Field ID (IdField: String) - My Lib Field (LibField: String) I create MySpace.MyNiceDoc and add my previous Class MySpace/MyNiceDoc?editor=object and contain: Objets de type MySpace.MyClass (2) * MyClass 0 - My Field ID - My Lib Field *MyClass 1: - My Field ID - My Lib Field With it I like to fill a select list from this doc (but from another doc to). How can I proceed? because on MySpace.MyNiceDoc I can only display one/First Lib values with this code: {{velocity}} ## Retrieve the first object (index [0]) among all objects attached to this page and of a certain class #set($obj = $doc.getObject('MySpace.MyClass')) #set($class = $obj.xWikiClass) ## access the class object representing SomeSpace.SomeClass #foreach($prop in $class.properties) ## go through all properties * ${prop.prettyName} : $doc.display($prop.getName()) #end {{/velocity}} I guess i need a loop but which one? And the big question (who I think it will interest everyone), how can I use documentation ( http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/SRD/Navigation?xpage=embed and or http://nexus.xwiki.org/nexus/service/local/repositories/releases/archive/org/xwiki/platform/xwiki-platform-oldcore/6.4/xwiki-platform-oldcore-6.4-javadoc.jar/!/index.html ) to guess xWikiClass (or my loop) by example? A doc/example to use documentation will be welcome. :-) thxs for any help. Pascal B _______________________________________________ users mailing list users@xwiki.org http://lists.xwiki.org/mailman/listinfo/users