
We are using XWiki Enterprise 6.1 and the Watchlist Application.

Now I got a user who can go to the Watchlist page 
http://(DOMAIN)/xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/(USERN)?category=watchlist, but is not 
able to edit the "Watched elements" because the list is not showed.
We know there are elements he is watching because of the daily email and 
because the RSS feed shows the last modifications.
What can I do to let the user realy manage his watched elements?

Thanx for taking the time in reading this and probably answering my question.

Yours sincerly,

Marco Vonk
Medewerker Applicatiebeheer (Coördinator)
Klaverblad Verzekeringen
Tel. 079 - 3 204 659

KvK-nummer: 27016035

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