Hi Mark,
Thanks for the detailed problem report.
I can confirm your results from step 1 to step 5.
This is indeed a bug that needs fixing; I have added it as 

Then I tried to follow the steps from 8 but could not reproduce the issue 
described in step 11

Just adding a new field should not make this field show up in the event 
creation form automatically.
Did you do anything else like editing the MoccaCalendarEventSheet, or reset 
this to a default state?
This might have scrapped the code for the somewhat non-trivial title handling
necessary to avoid  http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/MOCCACAL-68

It might also explain why there is no drop down to pick the calendar for the 
the new event is then created without "parent calendar" and this only visible
in the main "show all events" overview, as you figured out in step 13.
 The "calendar" drop down in the edit view is also some custom code that will 
be absent if the MoccaCalendarEventSheet is overwritten.

I am not aware that there is a mechanism that causes XWiki to "auto-update" the 
class sheet, unless one edits
the class with "App Within Minutes" ... which I thought is not possible 
MoccaCalendar classes, but maybe I am overlooking something.

If you recover the  MoccaCalendarEventSheet by rolling back to an earlier 
version via its history and add a line like

  ; <label 
 false, false))</label>
  : $doc.display('test')

in the place where all these other fields are rendered with code like that, the 
problem in step 11 with 13 should go away.
I am afraid that then the bug from step 1 to step 5 will be fully restored, 

As a work around you can change the:
  <input type="text" name="title" value="$!{escapetool.xml($doc.getTitle())}" 
class="required" />

  <input type="hidden" name="title" 
value="$!{escapetool.xml($doc.getDisplayTitle())}" />

this however will fill the title field with a random string and might make 
migration to a bug-fixed version later
problematic, unless you are happy to stick with your custom modification.
If you can wait one day or two I would prefer to fix the issue so you can 
upgrade and use events with a proper title.

Anyway, thanks a lot for the detailed steps to reproduce the problem.
This is indeed a serious bug and I will try to fix it as soon as possible.


> Clemens,
> Your suggestion gets me part of the way there but still having some problems
> (in steps 11 and 12 below). I thought maybe my earlier futzing around trying
> to get it working on my own screwed things up. So I created a clean instance
> on a VM and made the mods you suggested. Here are the steps I followed and
> the results.
> 1. Created new XWiki 7.4 instance - distribution wizard doesn't start for
> some reason so I installed the default pages using
> xwiki-enterprise-ui-mainwiki-all-7.4.xar.
> 2. Installed MoccaCalendar extension and verified that version is 2.5 (full
> calendar macro is version 2.0.2)
> 3. Logged in as Admin and created a new calendar (first to verify behaviour
> without your suggested mods to JSON Service).
> 4. In the new calendar created an event - event is displayed as expected.
> 5. In the new calendar, tried to create another event with the same title -
> event form displays 'An event with this name already exists.' under the
> title field.
> 6. In the new calendar, tried to create another event with no title - event
> form displays 'Title field is required'.
> 7. Deleted event created in step 4.
> 8. In class editor MoccaCalendarEvent class added new field 'Test' of type
> String.
> 9. Navigated to /xwiki/bin/view/MoccaCalendar/JSONService -> Edit -> Source
> and replaced $itemdoc.getPlainTitle() with $itemdoc.getValue('Test') in two
> places as you suggested.
> 10. Returned to new calendar created in Step 3.
> 11. Invoked form to create an event - event form is displayed with new Test
> field (blank). But the Title field is populated with a random string and the
> Calendar drop down field where you can select which calendar the event
> belongs to is missing from the form.
> 12. Entered a value in the Test field and saved the event - the form
> disappears but the event is not displayed on the new calendar.
> 13. Navigated to Calendar Overview and observed that new event is displayed
> there with the content of the Test field instead of the Title. Here the
> event is displayed on the Month view the way I want it.
> --
> View this message in context: 
> http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Mocca-calendar-display-short-description-instead-of-title-in-month-week-day-view-tp7597592p7597610.html
> Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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mit freundlichen Grüßen
Clemens Klein-Robbenhaar

Clemens Klein-Robbenhaar
Software Development
EsPresto AG
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10178 Berlin/Germany
Tel: +49.(0)30.90 226.763
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