> On 29 Mar 2016, at 13:47, Vincent Massol <vinc...@massol.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> If want you want is "to get all Documents in den Space "Book" (old model). It 
> shows all documents, even the nested ones. How can i query recursively 
> starting with the parent document "Book.WebHome”?”, then the following should 
> be enough:
> {{velocity}}
> #set ($xwql = "where doc.space like 'Sandbox' or doc.space like 'Sandbox.%'")
> #foreach ($item in $services.query.xwql($xwql).addFilter('unique').execute())
>  * $item
> #end
> {{/velocity}}

You can also check 
http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Query+Module for more 

> Thanks
> -Vincent
>> On 27 Mar 2016, at 15:32, Matthias Wegner <mic.mat.weg...@web.de> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> i tested and tried and found a solution which gives my needed result. Now i
>> get the nested content of a space in nice order and with correct headings.
>> Looks a bit ugly, but works:
>> {{velocity}}
>> #macro(display $idoc)
>> #set($depth = $idoc.getSpace().toString().length() -
>> $idoc.getSpace().toString().replace(".", "").length() )
>>     #if($depth==1)
>>       ##* $depth $idoc.getSpace()
>>        = [[$idoc.getTitle()>>${idoc.getSpace()}.${idoc.getName()}]]=
>>     #elseif($depth==2)
>>       ##** $depth $idoc.getSpace()
>>        == [[$idoc.getTitle()>>${idoc.getSpace()}.${idoc.getName()}]]==
>>     #elseif($depth==3)
>>       ##*** $depth $idoc.getSpace()
>>        === [[$idoc.getTitle()>>${idoc.getSpace()}.${idoc.getName()}]]===
>>     #elseif($depth==4)
>>       ##**** $depth $idoc.getSpace()
>>        ==== [[$idoc.getTitle()>>${idoc.getSpace()}.${idoc.getName()}]]====
>>     #elseif($depth==5)
>>       ##***** $depth $idoc.getSpace()
>>        =====
>> [[$idoc.getTitle()>>${idoc.getSpace()}.${idoc.getName()}]]=====
>>     #end
>>     ^^$idoc.getSpace(), Level: $depth^^
>>     {{include document="${idoc.getSpace()}.${idoc.getName()}"
>> context="new"/}}
>>     #getChildren($idoc)
>>     #foreach ($i in $children)
>>        #display($i)
>>     #end
>> #end
>> #macro(getChildren $document)
>> #set($depthParent = $document.getSpace().toString().length() -
>> $document.getSpace().toString().replace(".", "").length() )
>> #set($children = [])
>>  #set($q = "where doc.space like '%${document.getSpace()}.%' and not
>> doc.name='WebPreferences' and not doc.space='${document.getSpace()}' order
>> by doc.title asc")
>>  #set($r = $xwiki.searchDocuments($q, 0, 0))
>>  #foreach ($i in $r)
>>     #set( $idoc = $xwiki.getDocument($i))
>>     #set($depthChild = $idoc.getSpace().toString().length() -
>> $idoc.getSpace().toString().replace(".", "").length() )
>>     #if($depthChild == ($depthParent + 1))
>>         #set($dummy = $children.add($idoc))
>>     #end
>>  #end
>> #end
>> #set($hql = "where doc.space like '%${doc.getSpace()}%' and not
>> doc.name='WebPreferences' and not doc.space='${doc.getSpace()}' order by
>> doc.title asc")
>> #set($chapters = $xwiki.searchDocuments($hql, 0, 0))
>> #foreach ($item in $chapters)
>> #set( $d = $xwiki.getDocument($item))
>> #if($d.getSpace().equals("${doc.getSpace()}.${d.getSpace().substring($mathtool.add($d.getSpace().lastIndexOf('.'),1),$d.getSpace().length())}"))
>>   #display($d)
>> #end
>> #end
>> {{/velocity}}
>> --
>> View this message in context: 
>> http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Set-Parent-in-XWiki-8-0-tp7598643p7598671.html
>> Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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