Hi Andrea,

This is a great contribution! Thanks!

I’ve added it to 

Waiting for even more contributions now ;)

I’m curious: what do you like the most in XWiki?


> On 07 Apr 2016, at 12:59, Andrea Russo <andrea.ru...@cmcc.it> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I'm new to the list and I would like to enter this community with a
> little contribution from my side to thank you all for the very nice wiki
> platform XWiki is. We are using it for some weeks by now and we are
> finding it very nice and useful.
> To install and configure XWiki for a project, I developed this Ansible
> playbook:
> https://github.com/rastandy/xwiki-ansible-playbook
> I'm happily sharing it with you, hoping someone could find it useful.
> Thank you and happy wiking,
> Andrea.
> -- 
> Andrea Russo, Junior Research Associate
> Fondazione CMCC
> Centro Euro Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (http://www.cmcc.it)
> Address: via Augusto Imperatore, 16 - 73100 Lecce
> Phone: +39 0832 671064 - Fax: 0039 0832 671064

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