Hello XWiki users and devs,

The current xwiki.org blog [1] contains mostly release notes announcements,
Bug Fixing Days results and some occasional events that XWiki has taken
part of.

We would like to pump some life into it by encouraging community members to
post articles and news related to the XWiki ecosystem so that everybody can
have a better view of what`s going on.

It can be anything XWiki-related:
* a tutorial / how-to,
* a feature presentation,
* an event where XWiki was presented,
* an extension that you have worked on and published on extensions.xwiki.org
* tips and tricks on how to boost productivity with XWIki,
* a real-life problem that was fixed with XWiki,
* news about some public/government agency or even high-profile private
company adopting XWiki,
* etc.

Also, you don`t necessarily have to be a technical person to show your love
for XWiki :)

Anyone interested would have to do it as an individual, member of the
community, using their xwiki.org account. We do not care what company you
are from, as long as your article has content that is interesting/valuable
for the XWiki community.

You should obviously avoid writing SPAM articles, promoting irrelevant
products and generally off-topic stuff.

Here is how to do it in a few easy steps:
1. Log in with your xwiki.org account and go to the Blog Drafts [2] section
2. Create a new sub-page there (use the + button) and write your article.
Don`t forget to save!
3. Contact an XWiki committer either by mail (users or devs list) or by IRC
[3], give them the link to your draft and ask them for a review it.
4. If the review is successful, the article gets moved to the main Blog [1]
and published.

You could view it as a sort of "Pull Request", but for blog articles :)

Note: We also accept cross-posting! You can also share an article on XWiki
that you have written on some other blogging platform. You can post it
entirely or just do a quick summary about it and link to its original

We hope to see some interesting articles and to increase visibility on what
people are achieving with XWiki!


[1] http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Blog/
[2] http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Blog/Drafts
[2] http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Community/IRC
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