Hi everyone,

FYI I’ve released version 8.2.1 of the JIRA Macro 
(http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/JIRA+Macro) and the JIRA 
Scripting API 

The main new feature is the ability to access authenticated JIRA servers and to 
manage JIRA servers configuration from the Admin UI, see 

Before you had to specify a URL when using the JIRA macro, such as {{jira 
url=“http://jira.xwiki.org” …/}}. You should now prefer using the {{jira 
id=“someid” …/}} parameter and define “someid” in the Admin UI. This allows to 
manage centrally JIRA instance configuration. Note that the URL parameter is 
still supported though.

In addition, these extensions were located in xwiki-rendering and 
xwiki-platform. They’re now under xwiki-contrib which means they’re now no 
longer linked to releases of XWiki; they now have their own release lifecycle, 
which will have 2 consequences:

- it’ll be easier to release new versions more quickly
- any committer on xwiki-contrib can improve them


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