Marius Dumitru Florea said:
> > [...] 
> > This works pretty well, but at the end of the upload I temporarily get
> > a div appear below the widget containing a fully rendered wiki page.
> > How do I prevent this, or rather how do I configure things so that I
> > can display something more useful?
> >
> See
> core/xwiki-platform-
> web/src/main/webapp/resources/uicomponents/widgets/upload.js#L387
> . It could be the "responseURL" option which is used here
> core/xwiki-platform-
> web/src/main/webapp/resources/uicomponents/widgets/upload.js#L466
> . When not specified (empty) it is probably "resolved" as the current page 
> URL,
> leading to a redirect to the current page after the file is uploaded.
> Hope this helps,
> Marius

Thanks Marius. I think you're right, but I can't follow how xredirect gets used 
subsequently. I'm not sure what the purpose of it is - perhaps to allow display 
of an image for the uploaded file? I wondered whether I could prevent anything 
being displayed by just setting responseURL to '' but this doesn't appear to 
change anything. Any ideas?
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