Uh, tough, is there something like a stack trace for the error message?

First stop would be to check is the clipboard.min.js is really loaded and 
displays without error,
but I guess it does as otherwise the problem would appear on page load already 

One thing that looks odd to me is:
>   <button class="btn" data-clipboard-target="$doc.display('sTxtPassword')">

This will render the value of the sTxtPassword field as clipboard target; I 
guess you want to use the id of the input field instead, e.g.

<button class="btn" 

or something like that. At least the generated HTML should look this.


D R wrote on  29.06.2016, 14:52
> Hi,
> I'm trying to implement a basic password manager as an XWiki application. I
> have short text fields for username and password. In view mode the password
> is replaced by ********** to hide it from prying eyes.
> Now I'd like to have a button next to the username and password fields for
> copying the values to the clipboard.
> I found two sources:
> 1.
> http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Cross-browser+JavaScript+clipboard+access
> 2. https://clipboardjs.com/
> As the Wiki entry (1) is rather old I tried to replace it by (2) but I'm
> not sure how to insert the code exactly.
> I uploaded the clipboard.min.js as an attachment to the Application code
> page.
> My Application sheet looks like this:
> {{velocity}}
> {{html wiki="true"}}
> #set ($discard = $doc.use('XPass.Code.XPassClass'))
> #set($theSharedPanel = $xwiki.getDocument('XPass.Code'))
> <script src="$theSharedPanel.getAttachmentURL('clipboard.min.js')"></script>
> (% class="xform" %)
> (((
>   <script>
>     var clipboard = new Clipboard('.btn');
>     clipboard.on('success', function(e) {
>         console.log(e);
>     });
>     clipboard.on('error', function(e) {
>         console.log(e);
>     });
>   </script>
>   ; <label
> for="XPass.Code.XPassClass_0_sTxtName">$escapetool.xml($doc.displayPrettyName('sTxtName',
> false, false))</label>
>   : $doc.display('sTxtName')
>   ; <label
> for="XPass.Code.XPassClass_0_sListCategory">$escapetool.xml($doc.displayPrettyName('sListCategory',
> false, false))</label>
>   : $doc.display('sListCategory')
>   ; <label
> for="XPass.Code.XPassClass_0_sTxtURL">$escapetool.xml($doc.displayPrettyName('sTxtURL',
> false, false))</label>
>   : $doc.display('sTxtURL')
>   ; <label
> for="XPass.Code.XPassClass_0_lTxtDesc">$escapetool.xml($doc.displayPrettyName('lTxtDesc',
> false, false))</label>
>   : $doc.display('lTxtDesc')
>   ; <label
> for="XPass.Code.XPassClass_0_sTxtUser">$escapetool.xml($doc.displayPrettyName('sTxtUser',
> false, false))</label>
>   : $doc.display('sTxtUser')
>   ; <label
> for="XPass.Code.XPassClass_0_sTxtPassword">$escapetool.xml($doc.displayPrettyName('sTxtPassword',
> false, false))</label>
>   :
>   #if ($context.display == 'edit')
>     $doc.display('sTxtPassword')
>   #else
>     ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
>   #end
>   <button class="btn" data-clipboard-target="$doc.display('sTxtPassword')">
>     <img src="assets/clippy.svg" alt="Copy to clipboard">
>   </button>
> )))
> {{/html}}
> {{/velocity}}
> Now then pressing the "Copy to clipboard" button the clipboard is not
> updated and the console shows:
> "ReferenceError: Clipboard is not defined"
> I'm not sure where to place the scripts to make it work so mybe someone can
> enlighten me.
> Regards,
> Dennis
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