
I have an issue with the Livetable Excel Export Plugin:


I installed it throuth extension manager on a local test install (Demo ZIP
Package) and on our production instance (CentOS 7.2/Java 8/Tomcat
8.0.33/MariaDB 5.5), both XWiki 7.4.4.

Extension manager tells me the following:
Excel Plugin 1.1 installed
jxl 2.6.12 installed as dependency
XWiki Livetable Excel Export Macro 1.8.2 installed

Then I added the macro to the data page of an application livetable (ie
Test App.Data).

#livetable('test app' $columns $columnsProperties $options)
{{addExcelExportToLivetable livetable="test app" /}}

On the Demo instance I don't see the Excel export option at all, on the
prod instance I see it but clicking it redirects me to a blank page with
the text "Excel plugin is not installed".

Any hints?

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