Hi tskala,

FYI I’ve researched it a bit more and I was able to patch the Context Macro to 
make it work with the toc macro.


Example usage:

{{context document="Sandbox.WebHome"}}

Now I'd need to research it a bit more to make sure my quick patch is correct 
(+ write unit tests for it).

All that said, if you could use some structure/xclass as I mentioned in my 
previous reply, I think you’d be able to go further.


> On 25 Sep 2016, at 00:51, Vincent Massol <vinc...@massol.net> wrote:
>> On 24 Sep 2016, at 23:50, tskala <tomas_sk...@gordic.cz> wrote:
>>> http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XRENDERING-240
>> not exactly sure but sounds like it would solve it. (Your comment about
>> {{context}} macro sounds actually better. It could help with more things
>> then just this.) 
>>> Could you explain your need since there may be other ways of achieving it? 
>> I would like to document widgets for our framework. And now I'm trying to
>> deal with occasional inheritance. Reasonably easy to write for authors and
>> readable for implementators. 
>> I changed TOC style so it looks similar to QuickNav here:
>> http://api.jqueryui.com/dialog/
>> The "working" idea is to use one {{include}} for each property/method of
>> base class. That way  inherited content is shown on subclass page, TOC is
>> ok, and we are happy. Downside is it requires to copy all those includes
>> several times (base is heavy). And if there is new property/method in base
>> class it is required to manually copy it into all descendants (not that many
>> but still). 
>> So I was thinking. If I could just get TOC for base class into subclass
>> page, it might be much better and easier. It would be always "up-to-date",
>> you would see what makes subclass different, and if you click the base class
>> TOC it will just take you to the base page heading, seeing all related
>> properties/methods together. 
>> So my closest idea was something like this:
>> {{display reference="baseClassPage" section="HbaseClass"/}}
>> === subClass ===
>> {{TOC /}}
> I’m not entirely sure I fully understand but I think the canonical way of 
> doing this with XWiki is by creating some structure with xclasses, xobjects 
> and xsheets.
> Basically you create an xclass to represent a widget. You can also have an 
> xclass to represent a widget method (name + description + etc).
> Then on the home page, you use (for example) a LiveTable to display all 
> methods for all widgets. This gives you a nice searchable/filterable TOC :)
> Thanks
> -Vincent
>> View this message in context: 
>> http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/TOC-from-other-Page-tp7601369p7601371.html
>> Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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