Hi Chetan,

> On 12 Dec 2016, at 05:46, Chetan Kumar <chetankumar.i...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello XWiki developers,
> I would like to know if there’s any in-built feature in XWiki that can
> allow us to show a user’s page-edit history.
> I am aware of the activity-stream application. However, it only shows
> recent changes. Our requirement is that a user, say Joe, is able to see his
> entire edit history (say from past two years) in the form of a list where
> each item in the list shows the page-title, timestamp of the edit, and any
> ‘version summary’ he might have entered for that edit. The list should
> display as paginated if it has more than 20 results. The other requirement
> is that this application has to be performant as we can expect a few
> hundred people to access their contribution-history every hour.
> Is there something already built into XWiki that can give us this
> information? Or will we have to build a new application to return this data.

The closest is the Activity Stream (AS) for a user:

{{activitystream user=“<reference of user>”/}}

As you say the default is to display only a few entries (20 by default). 
However there’s a macro parameter to control this (see 

Now the AS is missing some features to do what you wish:
* “Show more” button, http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-9896
* Provide filtering: http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-6698
* Very very slow ATM, needs to be rewritten with performance in mind

So indeed right now the AS Macro is not a good choice.

However you could use the AS API and build your own UI from it:

Note that this feature would be an interesting generic feature that would 
benefit from being contributed to xwiki-contrib! :) (see 


> Thank you for your help,
> Chetan

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