On Thu, Jan 5, 2017 at 8:47 PM, Hofstätter Mario <
mario.hofstaet...@automationx.com> wrote:

> Dear devs,
> over the past few months we have moved over to using xwiki as a
> replacement for your old sharepoint and mediawiki servers. Meanwhile we
> have accumulated a list of problems and questions we are unable to solve.
> Some of which open JIRA bugs might already exist.
> In my opinion this mailinglist is not suitable for this many questions
> (needs attachments, screenshots). How may we proceed? Should we create a
> jira entry for every issue?
> An extract of some problems (now running 8.4.3):
> - PDF Export: The pdf misses some elements of the page, for example
> display of info/warn/error marcros (see your sandbox page info and warning
> macro examples) and other stuff. Layout has big issues (images cut off,
> Tables cut off)
> - Multipage PDF Export: Pdf export collection extension is broken,
> MultipagePdfExport Space Export extension too.
> - No image lightbox by default, unclear how to implement it in the wysiwyg
> editor

> - Document tree is really cumbersome for normal users (we use currently
> use some velocity to show children), new children macro insufficient (shows
> translations and attachment)
> - DocumentTree Macro "finder" does not work correctly (finds only some
> pages?)

You need to give details (in jira) because the 2 lines above don't state
the problem.

> As for just "questions", should be ask each one of them in an separate
> mail here on the list?
> Thank you very much,
> Mario

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