Hi Craig,

This looks like a possible bug, so reporting it on jira.xwiki.org might be
a good idea

You could try a workaround using xwiki.url.protocol=https in xwiki.cfg


Le 12 janv. 2017 08:46, "Craig Wright" <crw+xw...@crw.xyz> a écrit :

> Howdy,
> Whenever I try to install extensions I get the following error in my
> Chrome Javascript Console:
> ----
> Mixed Content: The page at 'https://[REDACTED]/xwiki/bin/
> distribution/XWiki/Distribution?xredirect=%2Fxwiki%2Fbin%2Fview%2FXWiki%2Fcrw#Attachments
> <https://[redacted]/xwiki/bin/distribution/XWiki/Distribution?xredirect=%
> 2Fxwiki%2Fbin%2Fview%2FXWiki%2Fcrw#Attachments>' was loaded over HTTPS,
> but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint 'http://
> [REDACTED]/xwiki/bin/distribution/XWiki/Distribution?extensio…n%
> 2FXWiki%2FDistribution%3Fxredirect%3D%2Fxwiki%2Fbin%2Fview%2FXWiki%2Fcrw
> <http://[redacted]/xwiki/bin/distribution/XWiki/Distribution?extensio…n%
> 2FXWiki%2FDistribution%3Fxredirect%3D%2Fxwiki%2Fbin%2Fview%2FXWiki%2Fcrw>'.
> This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
> ——
> Does anyone know what is going on? I thought I had setup the wiki to be
> https-only, is this a bug on my config or in the code? This is now
> happening on the 8.4.4 upgrade, and I am scared this is going to have
> negative repercussions down the line.
> Thanks,
> Craig

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