On Fri, Jan 27, 2017 at 5:30 AM, Craig Wright <crw+xw...@crw.xyz> wrote:
> Howdy,
> Is it possible to setup an XWiki such that:
> - Users can register AND validate email.
> - After registration, users who have not been “approved” can only see one 
> page that says “Please wait for approval for access to this wiki."
> - Approved users have normal access controls.
> Right now I have removed all rights from the XWikiAllGroup and I manually 
> move users into the XWikiRegisteredUsers group (maybe a bad name since all 
> users are registered, it just means I approved them for access). The only 
> problem with this setup is that new users cannot validate their email until I 
> have added them to the XWikiRegisteredUsers group. I have not yet figured out 
> how to control access to that special Email Authorization page.
>  Thanks for any info!
> Craig

As a thought experiment, if instead of local xwiki users, you used an
external LDAP instance and something like PWM
https://github.com/pwm-project/pwm, people could self register via PWM
which would give them login rights, and then an administrator could
add the account to the appropriate xwiki group(s), or add the account
to the appropriate LDAP group(s), with the LDAP groups being used in

I have no experience with doing this.


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