Hello Tobias, HEllo Vincent,

thank you for your quick answers!

I am also very interested in some links where I can read something about the correct way of creating a panel, especially a navigation panel.


On 03/06/2017 10:48 AM, Richter, Tobias wrote:
Hi Vincent,

thanks a lot for your answer - indeed I`ve tried to find out how to create an 
own navpanel -

but after a lot trial and error the menu-content wasn`t "drag-and-droppable" 
(sry for the bad English) anymore. After a lot more trial and error I found out, that the 
drag-and-drop behavior of

this panel and the Navigation-heading belongs to this function:


#panelheader means in CSS/HTML --> ID

But the "services.localization.render"- function with the 
'xe.panels.navigation' -String(?) is unfortunately too deep in the xwiki-backend for me. 
It would be nice if you could

Send a link, where this syntax and the meaning of the function is explained in the 
documentation. I know that often "2-lazy-2google" questions are asked - but 
that would be

The step I want to learn next for getting deeper in the backend - for being 
able to customize xwiki more for our company.



That’s nice.

One recommendation though: you probably should create your own panel instead of 
reusing an existing one since when you next upgrade you may get some conflict if 
there are also changes in the officially-provided >Navigation Panel. Not a big 
issue though, you’ll just need to choose your version over the default one if 
you’re asked to choose. Also I case you need the original Nav panel it might be 
best to keep it as is.




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