Hi Jayant,

I tested as you said, and can't change the default interpreter as well. So
I created issue for this in ZEPPELIN-1209
Thanks for reporting the issue.

Best regards,

2016년 7월 19일 (화) 오전 6:54, Jayant Raj <raj.jay...@gmail.com>님이 작성:

> Zeppelin has the Scala interpreter assigned as the default for Spark
> notebooks. This default setting creates an additional step if you are to
> write code using PySpark. You will need to insert a %pyspark at the
> beginning of each row of the notebook, for Zeppelin to understand that this
> is PySpark code.
> I modified the 'zeppelin.interpreters' property in zeppelin-site.xml and
> restarted the Zeppelin process. However, I do not see the default
> interpreter change. Am I missing something?
> Thanks for any help​
> .

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