Hi guys,

When using org.apache.zeppelin.server.ActiveDirectoryGroupRealm as my shiro
realm on v0.6.0, I have trouble understanding the searchBase config. My
understanding was shiro should only allow user within that searchBase to
login, but seems like not the case.  When I trace the code
of ActiveDirectoryGroupRealm.java, the only place searchBase was used is in
method getRoleNamesForUser
if the user is not inside searchBase, a empty roleNames will be return and
without any exception, thus the user will be login I guess?

I'm not sure if this is expected behaviour or not. I also tried the v0.6.1
and seems also have same behaviour. In general I just want to restrict user
only in certain groups of ActiveDirectory to be able to login. Is that
possible without rewriting our own Realm?


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