Hi Kevin,

approach #2 sounds very reasonable and should work indeed.

Ahyoung, how do you think you could you take a quick look at the cases with
SparkR that Kevin described and see if that is documented\expected outcome?


On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 9:17 AM, Kevin Niemann <kevin.niem...@gmail.com>

> I'm using the Spark R interpreter with e.g. the mongolite package which
> requires authentication to access MongoDB.
> require(mongolite)
> url <- "mongodb://username:passw...@some.server.com/DB"
> m <- mongo(collection = "events", db = "myDB", url = url, verbose = FALSE)
> I'm looking at different approaches to hide the username/password
> credentials from the user:
> 1. Hide editor from readers. Only allow Writers to see the code. Downside
> is the editor must remember to hide editor if making changes (potential for
> human error) and no one else can see the actual code to produce the report.
> 2. Use a form to require input username/password at runtime. I can't
> actually get .z.input("username") working in %spark.r paragraph. Angular
> forms didn't work for me either, not sure how to assign an input or angular
> binding to an R variable.
> 3. Use Data source authorization/credential API. Seems pretty much out of
> the question since Spark isn't passing the creds to the R function.
> Anything I missed?
> Lastly (somewhat unrelated), returning a data frame should show the
> display system, but it's not. e.g.
> %spark.r
> data(mtcars)
> mtcars
> Mazda RX4 21.0 6 160.0 110 3.90 2.620 16.46 0 1 4 4
> Thanks,

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