I have been able to start the server on 8443, but have not been able to make a 
connection to my Elasticsearch data node over SSL.  I verified I can curl (curl 
--insecure -v -u user:pwd https:xx.xx.xx.xx:9200/...) the ES box with the 
Shield credentials.

Within the interpreter I have
name -> value
shield.user -> user:pwd
shield.transport.ssl -> true

we use port 9200 and force the gets/searches to require https.

and I don't know if this is even used but I included this dependency:
based on what I read here:  

 INFO [2017-01-27 20:38:44,556] ({main} AbstractConnector.java[doStart]:266) - 
Started ServerConnector@30aba78f{SSL-HTTP/1.1}{}

elasticsearch log complains:
[2017-01-27 21:23:18,161][WARN ][shield.transport.netty   ] [esdata3] received 
plaintext http traffic on a https channel, closing connection [id: 0xf43a9b2f, 
/xx.xx.xx.xx:36188 => /xx.xx.xx.xx:9200]

I built from source - 0.8.0-SNAPSHOT.  I also added this to 

      <!-- add the shield jar as a dependency -->

I'm confused what I need to do with Shield on the Zeppelin server.  Do I need 
to copy a cert from my existing Shield setup on my data node?

Any pointers appreciated.  
Thanks - Jonathan

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