Hello Apache Zeppelin team,

For our open-source project we built a web component to visualize time
series data. As I like to develop some demo on Zeppelin I developed a
Zeppelin interpreter to communicate with it.

Right now, I have to rebuild the web-app to integrate this component (add a
line in package.json and some in grunt).

I updated the postinstall task in package.json:

"postinstall": "bower install --silent && bower install
cityzendata/warp10-quantumviz#~1.6.2 -F --config.directory=./bower_quantumviz
--silent && grunt googlefonts"

and I add a Grunt task to copy my component on the Web Application.
  expand: true,
  cwd: 'bower_quantumviz/',
  src: '**',
  dest: '<%= yeoman.dist %>/bower_components'

Is there a proper way to do it (add the components when the interpreter is
"settings up"), so there is no need to rebuild the WebApp ?

Are you interested in a Pull-Request to integrate this kind of component
(visualization tool for geo-time series, to plot a graph or a Map) ?

The Zeppelin interpreter is available on github here :

Best regards,

Aurélien Hébert
Developer at Cityzen Data

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